After the conducted in 2012 survey between researchers from BAS, this spring JiC conducted a new online survey, this time between the 670 participants in the H2020 National Launching Conference on February 19, 2014. There were 135 respondents, mainly from BAS and universities, as well as, representatives of SMEs and NGOs.
Here are some of the conclusions:
- a large part of the respondents have significant positive expectations for self-realisation through the opportunities given by the programme;
- a clearly stated negative opinion is indicated concerning the insufficient financial and regulatory support from the national authorities: for the narrowing of the gap between science and business;
- the potential beneficiaries rely mostly on the expected EU funds for the realisation of successful project and, subsequently, improving the competitiveness of the Bulgarian science and economy;
- a positive attitude is present regarding the participation in public-private and public-public partnerships;
- having a confirmed acute need of an intermediary for establishing science-business and science-science contacts, the popularity of JiC grows: as a source for information concerning H2020, as well as, other (European) programmes for the finding of both industrial and scientific partners, and for providing assistance related to the registering of intellectual property rights;
- Enterprise Europe Network and the opportunities and services it provides should be further promoted;
- Still, as in 2012, there is a sustainable willingness to be informed about the Network and its wide range of services.
See the complete outcomes here (in Bulgarian only)